1. Choose an area of interest. Select one or more local authorities, or postcode, or none of these to view the whole country.
2. Choose a data set and the OA areas will be displayed on the map with a shading according to the value of the dataset selected.
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Each Measure is the weighted sum of a number of Metric Scores. The weights used to calculate the contribution each Metric makes to a Performance Measure may be changed here. The red line on the graph indicates the mean value.
A Resilience Index is a weighted sum of the performance measures. There are 4 example resilience indices, Economic, Social, Environmental and Combined.
Additionally there is an index called "My Resilience Index". For this index all weights are set to be equal and can be adjusted here to create your own index. The sum of the weights must add up to 1. The results of the new settings can be viewed on the Map tab.
The red line on the graph indicates the mean value.